I sat up late two nights in a row getting the puppy's webpage up and running, and playing catch up on my website. Still have a lloonngg way to go. I used to be able to work on this stuff when things were slow at the office. Now things are never slow at the office and being a state employee, NO use of computers for personal work is considered acceptable. So if I want to get my website updated, I'll be sitting up late.
We got the pictures of Boji's caesarian, and I'm going to post a few of those. We did not have a camera - we were not expecting surgery! - but Dr. Ann kindly lent me her camera so I could take a few snaps. A couple turned out real well.
Tom is back at work, but Dawn has taken this week off to be home with Boji and the pups. That insures that the smaller pups will have plenty of time to catch up a bit, with Dawn checking to be sure they don't get shoved off a nipple. Tom says the smallest boy has really picked up now.
Boji will not to happy next week, when she is left for the day. She's used to having someone around all day, and both Tom and Dawn have quite a commute to work. It's been handy for me to have only a 12 minute commute, so I can always come home at noon, and now that Ron is retired, the dogs have it way too easy!
Time to order the books - I give out "How To Raise A Puppy You Can Live With", an excellent puppy raising book that has gone through many additions. I still think it's the best of the puppy books available. Although most of our buyers have previously owned Dals, there's a lot of good information even for experienced Dal owners.